
About Me

This is a page about yours truly, Emily. Since a picture says a thousand words, here is a picture for you.

Anyway. I figured that lets you know enough about me-- at least, if you read deep into this adorable cartoon penguin.

What? You say you actually want to know a bit about me? In actual words?

Fine. I'm Emily. I love to read and write; I'm OK at drawing; I play a bit of the piano; and I taught myself to knit. I read ALL THE TIME. (When I'm not on this blog or on Pinterest, of course.)

I'm a supermajor fan of Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Sherlock, and anything Marvel. I mean it-- anything. I wait through six minutes of credits for a thirty-second aftercredit scene. There might be something wrong with me.

I hope you enjoy my blog!

Love, Emily


  1. Hi, Emily! Just found your blog and I'm loving it! :) I also love those fandoms you speak of, and I'm also Christian. :D

    xoxo Morning

    1. Thanks for commenting-- and I'm glad you like my blog! And its always nice to meet another follower of Christ :)


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